Oakwood Park

Memories about Oakwood Park by people of Kaunas.

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1962 Jonas N

Lions of the War Museum

Jonas: “At the beginning of July 1962 and after graduating the 1st High School of Ukmergė (now the High School of Jonas Basanavičius), My classmate Vytautas Juknys and I, Jonas Navikas, arrived at Kaunas for the first time (!).

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Didysis ir mažasis ąžuolynas

Lolita: "Gimiau ir augau Kauko alėjoje (kai gimiau, ji tuo metu dar vadinosi S.

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1. Solveiga Lukminaite Kauno Jachtklube 1997 m.

Yacht club

Solveiga Lukminaitė: My brightest memories are related to my favourite places in Kaunas, especially Kaunas yacht club.

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6 2

The Singing Fountain

Alvydas: Some time ago, before the monument for Darius and Girėnas, there was a “singing fountain”.

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1990 / 2000

Žvangutis kindergarten

Gabrielė: Early morning.

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Demokratų (Democrats) Square

Dobrė: “The action was held in November 1941: at 6 pm we were lined up.

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Neries krantinė

Audronė: „Prie Neries nevyko nieko įdomaus.

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1956 Arunas Alesius pusbrolis Vytautas pussesere Laimute ir seuo Ruta

Lions of the War Museum and Meteorai band

Arūnas: “I spent my childhood and youth in Kaunas.

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KPG mama

Picture Gallery

Liucija: I remember, when my friend and I, we would go to the Picture Gallery to visit the exhibitions.

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Garden reconstruction of war museum

dainuslenis rimante1

Dainų Slėnis (The Song Valley) of Kaunas


Ramybės park (Kaunas Old Cemetery)

Eugenija: "I lived nearby.

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Karo muziejus Vaitkevicius

The Baltic Way in the Museum of War

Indrė Žakevičienė: The most memorable event for me was the commemoration of February 16 in 1989 in Santaka Stadium and the “analogue” of the Baltic Way 25 years ago in the Museum of War.

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Siegfried2. Is vaziuojancio traukinio 2

Railway station

Siegfried: “Just at the outskirts of Kaunas, I was dug up by locomotive firemen and picked up like some kitten.

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3. Paminklo vaizdas is priekio

1972, Romas Kalanta

(Saulius Eduardas Pauliukonis, actor of Šiauliai Drama Theatre, former actor of Kaunas Pantomime troupe, who worked in Kaunas Drama Theatre with director J.

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The Zoo

Kęstutis: "We were living at Gričiupio Street, where the current KTU student campus is located.

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Žalgiris Stadium

Gintaras: Žalgiris Stadium was not only a place of sports events; people were also interested in the shows by stunt drivers from Czechoslovakia.

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Kauno arkikatedra bazilika

Audronė: „Katedros šventorius buvo atskirtas plačia tvora, viduje buvo parduotuvytės.

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Lithuanian yacht club

Gintaras Vitulskis: These pictures are from the 1930s: in one of them, there is a festive formation of yachtsmen (or maybe sea scouts) captured as seen from Aleksotas, and the other one with Aleksotas in the background. In 1932, the yacht club was established next to Aleksotas bridge in a building floating on a pontoon platform, the so called brandwacht.

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