dainuslenis rimante1

Dainų Slėnis (The Song Valley) of Kaunas


*K. Laurinaitytė: *I remember Dainų Slėnis since I was six, because this was when I started singing in the choir and participating in the Song Festivals. I have been spending time here since childhood, so this place seems so natural and maybe even commonplace, yet pleasant.

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4.21 3

Kaunas mosque

Jonas: "The mosque that previously belonged to National M.

*Jonas:* "The mosque that previously belonged to National M. K. Čiurlionis Museum was returned to Tartars in 1990. Someone had to overtake it, and there was no one who could do it. So, this is how I became the head of the community. My activities were mostly related to the mosque, its installation, exploitation and fund-raising. The building had grey walls, sealed windows and did not have any floor. The museum did not use the mosque, but before giving it back to us, it was renewed.

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20181009 113430 001 50

Expression dance troupe "Sonata"

Liucija and Daiva: "Sonata" was an integral part of our youthful life, just like lessons, it was the same with dancing.

*Liucija and Daiva*: "Sonata" was an integral part of our youthful life, just like lessons, it was the same with dancing. I remember, during Čiurlionis' 100th commemoration, we have been traveling Lithuania with a performance. We were fifteen. We would get back late at night, and ran home from Panemunė bridge, while our frightened mothers waited at the stairwells with their nightgowns on. Next day – back to school, we go there - and get in trouble, because we are wearing makeup. No matter if we‘ve tried to clean that terrible smelly makeup, it would remain...

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Edita 1963 m erzina liutus

Lions of the War Museum

Rimantas: “This photo of my daughter Edita is taken in 1963, when she was 3.5-years-old.

*Rimantas*: “This photo of my daughter Edita is taken in 1963, when she was 3.5-years-old. I liked taking photos since my very childhood, we used to visit the garden in front of the Museum of War quite often, and this was where I captured her photo teasing the lions. I was working in a special scientific workshop, where various architectural and historic monuments were restored. Among many preserved architectural monuments in Lithuania, I also contributed to the repair of facades and interior of M. K. Čiurlionis National Art Museum and Museum of War. Your initiative inspired me to browse old photo archives. While looking for this photo, I looked through photos and slides featuring the construction of the Open-Air Museum of Lithuania, restoration of the Town Hall and Town Hall (Rotušės) Square, as well as reconstruction of The House of Perkūnas, the spire of Vytautas Magnus Church and many other monuments. Thus, I immersed into memories...” (2018)

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mociute ir senelis sanciai

Šančiai during the Interwar Period

daugiau foto negaliu prisegti, galbūt galiu persiųsti el. paštu?

daugiau foto negaliu prisegti, galbūt galiu persiųsti el. paštu?

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1962 Jonas N

Lions of the War Museum

Jonas: “At the beginning of July 1962 and after graduating the 1st High School of Ukmergė (now the High School of Jonas Basanavičius), My classmate Vytautas Juknys and I, Jonas Navikas, arrived at Kaunas for the first time (!).

*Jonas*: “At the beginning of July 1962 and after graduating the 1st High School of Ukmergė (now the High School of Jonas Basanavičius), My classmate Vytautas Juknys and I, Jonas Navikas, arrived at Kaunas for the first time (!). After submitting our documents to the graduate admissions committee at the Central Office of Kaunas Polytechnic Institute (KPI) to enroll in the programme of radio engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, we reached a beautifully-shaped building on the other side of K. Donelaičio Street, which was then the History Museum. After looking around for some time, we noticed that individuals or groups usually take photos next to the lions. Having a photo camera at our disposal, we took photos of one another unaware of the fact that this place symbolizes the city of Kaunas. After coming back from Kaunas, you could show it with pride as a proof that you have visited Kaunas... These were the hot topics back then, when television was only making its first steps in Lithuania, and sightseeing tours were popular among both adults and school students. It is difficult to compare with contemporary technologies that have entered our daily lives...

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Kestutis Jakstas Aleksotas


Kęstutis: „Augau Aleksote, S.

*Kęstutis*: „Augau Aleksote, S. Dariaus ir S. Girėno gatvėje. Gyvenome kieme, kuriame stovėjo du namai ir vienuolika lietuvių šeimų. Tad vaikų buvo daug, kokie septyni panašaus amžiaus berniukai. Po pamokų kieme daugiausia žaisdavome futbolą. Vakare kieme vyresni žmonės susėsdavo grupelėmis ir lošdavo kortomis. Todėl mes turėdavome ieškoti kitos vietos. Netoli buvo aerodromas, didelės pievos, eidavome tenai. Žaisdavome visokiausius judrius žaidimus: tinklinį, krepšinį, futbolą... Aerodrome prie mūsų prisijungdavo ir kiti vaikai. Visi ėjome į 17-tą vidurinę mokyklą, vieni kitus pažinojome, ne taip, kaip dabar... Buvo laikas, kai S. Dariaus ir S. Girėno gatve nevažiuodavo autobusai. Naudodavomės funikulieriumi, nusileidę pėstute per tiltą eidavome į miestą. Kai buvau paauglys, jau eidavome į šokius Pergalės gamykloje, J. Gruodžio muzikos ir Medicinos seserų mokykloje prie Gertrūdos bažnyčios, Klamkėje – net nežinau, kodėl taip vadinome – prie Muzikinio teatro... 17-toje mokykloje taip pat būdavo šokiai, bet ne tokie įdomūs, nes ten įleisdavo tik mokinius. J. Gruodžio mokykloje visuomet grodavo gyvą muziką, kitur – įvairiai. Žiemą ateidavome su paltais. Turėdavome atsisegti ir parodyti, ar dėvime švarką ir ryšime kaklaraištį. Tuomet įleisdavo. Jeigu būdavai su megztiniu – ne. Eidavau į kino teatrą „Pašvaistė“, kuris stovėjo šalia bažnyčios. Ypač gražūs buvo spalvoti filmai „Vargdieniai“, „Paryžiaus katedra“, „Trys muškietininkai“. Į kiną eidavo labai daug žmonių. Į kavinę užsukdavau retai. Jų nebuvo tiek daug: „Metropolis“, „Tulpė“, „Orbita“. Tai suaugusių žmonių vietos. Nors atsimenu, kad kavinėje „Vakaras“ sukdavosi grindys. Studijų laikais eidavome į Spurginę šalia Senamiesčio, ten būdavo ir skanu, ir nebrangu. Vis dėlto, reikia įvertinti, kad lankymasis kavinėse labai priklausė nuo finansinės padėties. Pokario metais pinigų nebuvo. Būdami vaikai stovėdavome per naktį prie parduotuvės laukdami miltų, cukraus, duonos... Ryte ateidavo tėvai ir mus pakeisdavo. Žaisdavome futbolą prie aerodromo ir matydavome, kaip atvažiuoja duonos mašina. Mesdavome viską ir lėkdavome jos pirkti.“ (2019 m.)

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Movie theatre "Senasis trestas" [The Old Trust]

Elena: "While drinking my morning tea, I read an article about the old Kaunas movie theatres:" It's incredible, but today in Kaunas, out of almost 40 old movie theatres, only one had survived and is still operating.

*Elena:* "While drinking my morning tea, I read an article[] about the old Kaunas movie theatres:" It's incredible, but today in Kaunas, out of almost 40 old movie theatres, only one had survived and is still operating. The rest became ghosts or a place where other activities are being developed. " As I‘ve read those words, an old story came to my mind. I couldn't wait to finish reading and find out what was that small and cozy movie theatre; I was lucky enough to go there once (when I came back, after a while, I didn't find the movie theatre there - there was a court instead). Apparently, the theatre was demolished in 2006, and the court got established here due to its strategically convenient location. Definitely, A. Mickevičiaus Street is in the very heart of the city, and all the important institutions are easily accessible: on the other side of the road - Kaunas interrogation isolator, next to it: Kaunas University of Medicine, where I have studied as well. I remember while looking through a window in a pharmacology laboratory, you could observe isolator‘s post office operations: through a slatted window of the third floor, a rolled paper note tied to a string – slowly moving down, until it finally reaches the window of the second floor. Someone’s hand grabs the note and a few minutes later - ties the answer, pulls the string for a few times, and the message starts traveling up. All-day long: up and down, up and down... And that story about the movie theatre goes like this. Back in 2006, “Vilnius Ghetto“ was released. Since the movie was created by a Lithuanian film studio, and I am really interested in this historical topic, I‘ve decided to go. As I‘ve read in a poster - the film had to be screened in a movie theatre near the university - it so convenient going there after the lecture. I remember it was warm and green. An evening. I took a bus going down the Parodos hill road, got off on Kęstučio Street, turned to Mickevičiaus Street, as I‘ve passed the interrogation isolator - went inside the university. So silent in there. The lecture was canceled. I‘ve crossed the road, bought a ticket, and entered a small, cozy auditorium. It was empty - I could sit wherever I wanted. I chose to sit in the middle of the sixth row. I remember thinking, that I’d never watched a movie being the only visitor in an empty movie theatre. I was ready to enjoy the moment, while a guy came in unexpectedly, a moment later - a girl. That ‘s OK, I thought, they should sit in the last row. They stood next to the entrance. The guy viewed over the auditorium, a moment after – he did hurry to take a seat ... next to me ... in an empty auditorium. I was so surprised, I didn’t say anything, I just smiled with my eyes, while looking at the screen. The girl approached and quietly sat next to him.

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3. Paminklo vaizdas is priekio

1972, Romas Kalanta

(Saulius Eduardas Pauliukonis, actor of Šiauliai Drama Theatre, former actor of Kaunas Pantomime troupe, who worked in Kaunas Drama Theatre with director J.

(Saulius Eduardas Pauliukonis, actor of Šiauliai Drama Theatre, former actor of Kaunas Pantomime troupe, who worked in Kaunas Drama Theatre with director J. Jurašas and in Kaunas Musical Theatre).

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Church of St. Gertrude

Gintaras Vitulskis: The first victory.

*Gintaras Vitulskis: *The first victory. At the end of the 20th century, St. Gertrude's Gothic church became endangered. Not only was it turned into a warehouse, but there was also an idea to put it into a bag, so to speak: to build a multi-storey building in J. Gruodžio Street. In 1988, rapid construction of a building intended for the use of K. Požėla District Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania was started. It was supposed to appear in the lot next to the cemetery adjacent to the church and dating back to the 15th–18th centuries. The intention was to throw away the bones, and the church had to be quietly demolished. But the openness was the new trend (Gorbachev's glasnost) and the civic self-awareness of the residents of Kaunas awakened in time to prevent this. After a long fight, the victory has been achieved: the construction was stopped, and the building was demolished. In a picture captured in October 1989, we can see the Church of St. Gertrude and the end of demolition of the said building. The third photo was taken in September 2014. (2014)

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The Zoo

Kęstutis: "We were living at Gričiupio Street, where the current KTU student campus is located.

*Kęstutis*: "We were living at Gričiupio Street, where the current KTU student campus is located. Previously, it was a village on the outskirts of the city, however now it is almost the city centre. It was an international neighbourhood. My best friends were German-born children. Also, there lived many Russians and some Poles. Of course, there were Lithuanians, too. There was a zoo nearby, around 300–400 meters away. It was very interesting to go there through the fence, of course, without a ticket. Once, together with my friends, among whom I was the youngest, we decided to hunt ducks with bows at the zoo. I was waiting on the hill while my friends were at the bottom. They returned very quickly because someone was chasing them. We came back home without our bows. Probably I was very scared because even today I remember that fear."

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Kaunas Factory "Drobė"

Rūta: "In the spring, 1958 we said our goodbyes to Kaunas VI Secondary School.

*Rūta: *"In the spring, 1958 we said our goodbyes to Kaunas VI Secondary School. I have received my silver medal on graduation.  In a couple of months, in August, I have started working at Kaunas Drobė Factory as a twin machine operator. It was a very large factory, at that time we had workers who did work three different shifts." (2018)

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