Vladimiras Majorovas, a man of Lithuanian-Russian origin, tells about his childhood in Russia during the war and settling in the native land of his mother, Lithuania.
Read moreVytautas Balsys-Uosis is telling a story about his - Lithuanian partisan - fight pathways.
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Memory Office: A. Baltuškevičius
Doctor Algirdas Baltuškevičius tells about his family, work, acquaintance with his father-in-law professor Tadas Ivanauskas - prominent Lithuanian zoologist and biologist - and his Obelynė farmstead established in Kaunas district.
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Memory Office: B. Landsbergytė
Birutė Landsbergytė, a musicologist, tells about a family house in Kačerginė, about people who lived and spent their summer holiday there.
Read moreMemory Office: B. and B. Gomberg
In 1953, when the regime in Lithuania became more liberal, self-expression of local and Jewish people became possible - art collectives and ensembles began to emerge.
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Memory Office: L. Lazarskė
Lilija, who was born in Raseiniai and spent her early days there shares her memories.
Read moreAsia Zolotar, a member of Kaunas Jewish Community, who was born in Belarus, shares her memories of childhood in Ukraine, experiences of her family while escaping the war to Kazakhstan and the shelter they‘ve managed to find in Russia.
Read moreLuiza Baranauskienė shares her memories.
Read moreIš Panevėžio kilusi, bet daugiau nei šešiasdešimt metų Kaune gyvenanti Janina prisimena dalyvavimą partizaniniame judėjime, padirbtus asmens tapatybės dokumentus, pirmąsias viešnages Kaune lankant NKVD įkalintą brolį, ištremtų artimųjų likimą Sibire ir jaunos jos šeimos kūrimąsi Vilijampolėje bei Žaliakalnyje...
Read moreJaq Greenspon was born in 1967, Las Vegas, United States of America.
Read moreKonstantin Pakrašov, a diakon in the Kaunas Orthodox Church and a seventh-generation Kaunasian, tells us about his Russian lineage, introduces the Kaunas Orthodox Church Community together with his role in it, and discusses the long history of different cultures and religions getting along in his hometown.
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Memory Office: N. Mažitova
Please introduce yourself and tell us briefly about your family.My name is Nelli Mažitova.
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Memory Office: S. Dovydaitis
Partizan Stasys Dovydaitis tells a story about All Saints' day events in 1956 in Kaunas Old Cemetery.
Read moreLitvak Roza Litay shares memories of her family's life in Kaunas and beyond - the fate of the loved ones during World War II, the Soviet era and later.
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Memory Office: R. Bloch
A 1930 Kaunas-born Litvak Roza Gapanavičiūtė Bloch talks about her family's experience during the Second World War in Kaunas ghetto, and later - in the Stutthof concentration camp.
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Memory Office: Family of Pulerevitch
Jewish Yechezkel Pulerevitch was a poet and author of the Anthem of “the Prisoners of Zion”.Yechezkel was born in 1914 in Joniškis, Lithuania.
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My name is Ya'arit Glezer-Krakinovsky, and I was born in Kaunas in 1947.
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