
Sculptures in Vilniaus Street

Gintaras: In Vilniaus Street, next to the underground passage, there is a building with niches, in which three little sculptures were placed.

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Lions of the War Museum

Birutė: "It was a long time ago...When in 1955 I‘ve settled down in Kaunas together with my parents and saw the sculptures of lions in the Garden of the War Museum, I was so surprised.

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Vytautas Magnus University

Greta: To me, VMU equals study years.

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1985 Laisves aleja 03


3. Solveiga Lukminaite. Kauno Laisves al. fontanas 1996 m. vasara
1994 / 1998

Fountain in Laisvės Ave

Solveiga Lukminaitė: My memories related to Laisvės alėja (Avenue) are only positive ones.

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kki ledo ciuozykla
1956 / 1961

Ice-rink in Žaliakalnis

The ice rink in front of the State Institute of Physical Education was a favourite place for the youth of Žaliakalnis

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Ramybės park (Kaunas Old Cemetery)

Menininko Gyčio Dovydaičio dokumentinis filmas-reportažas apie Kaunas 2022 organizuoto Istorijų festivalio 2019 centrą – Ramybės parką (Kauno senąsias kapines) – ir jo kaimynystėje gyvenačius kauniečius.

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vienybes a

Vienybės (Unity) Square

Galina: “Formerly, the Christmas tree was decorated at Vienybės (Unity) Square.

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1956 Arunas Alesius pusbrolis Vytautas pussesere Laimute ir seuo Ruta

Lions of the War Museum and Meteorai band

Arūnas: “I spent my childhood and youth in Kaunas.

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05 rolling carpet across the street kl

Kaunas Castle Bus Stop

1990 / 2000

Partizanų street

Street, yard, house. I still remember where a turn should be taken in order to find myself next to the nine-store house, which was my most favourite place in my childhood.

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1988 / 1991


Laumė café that was working during the Soviet times was famous for its good coffee and sweets but the most important thing there was the sense of community.

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Lithuanian yacht club

Gintaras Vitulskis: These pictures are from the 1930s: in one of them, there is a festive formation of yachtsmen (or maybe sea scouts) captured as seen from Aleksotas, and the other one with Aleksotas in the background. In 1932, the yacht club was established next to Aleksotas bridge in a building floating on a pontoon platform, the so called brandwacht.

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Laisves statula

A rally next to the Freedom monument

Mindaugas Kavaliauskas: It was a rally to support the Act of March 11 and show our unity.

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Vienybės (Unity) Square after the war

Lili Kristina Vaičekauskaitė-Čepauskienė: If someone is collecting historical material, there is an interesting episode.

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MG 9381kl2

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and its dorms

Alma: Some time ago, this university was called Kaunas Polytechnic Institute and the campus was built only around 1975.

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Namai Laisves alejoje

A house in Laisvės Alėja

Alvydas Vaitkevičius: I am sending several photos by a famous photographer from the Soviet times, Stanislovas Lukošius which he gave me before he passed away.

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The Zoo

Kęstutis: "We were living at Gričiupio Street, where the current KTU student campus is located.

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Neries krantinė

Audronė: „Prie Neries nevyko nieko įdomaus.

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Siegfried2. Is vaziuojancio traukinio 2

Railway station

Siegfried: “Just at the outskirts of Kaunas, I was dug up by locomotive firemen and picked up like some kitten.

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