
Rotušės aikštė

Audronė: ,,Gyvenau ir ligi šiol gyvenu name, kuriame yra ,,Medžiotojų užeigos“ restoranas.

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Robertas Antinis: Orbita was a superb club. It was special.

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kki ledo ciuozykla
1956 / 1961

Ice-rink in Žaliakalnis

The ice rink in front of the State Institute of Physical Education was a favourite place for the youth of Žaliakalnis

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Tadas Ivanauskas High School

Tadas Ivanauskas High School

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vyrai baltais2

Siūlų street

Fruma: "We were hiding in Petrašiūnai, a place that was not considered to be part of the city.

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1930 / 1939

The Building of Kaunas Garrison Officers' Club

The first building of Garrison Officers' club during the Interwar period was in a two-storey building designed by an unknown architect at the corner of Laisvės Alėja and A.

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Ramybės park (Kaunas Old Cemetery)

Menininko Gyčio Dovydaičio dokumentinis filmas-reportažas apie Kaunas 2022 organizuoto Istorijų festivalio 2019 centrą – Ramybės parką (Kauno senąsias kapines) – ir jo kaimynystėje gyvenačius kauniečius.

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06 man puts political drawings kl

Kaunas Castle Bus Stop during the Soviet times

Liucija: I arrived from the sea coast to study in Vilnius.

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Konstantinas: “My childhood passed here, about 80 years ago.

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Russian Aesthetic Education Centre

A.K.: Russian Aesthetic Education Centre later received the name of Mstislav Dobuzhinsky.

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Vienybės (Unity) Square after the war

Lili Kristina Vaičekauskaitė-Čepauskienė: If someone is collecting historical material, there is an interesting episode.

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Asija: “The most important place for me was the Sobor.

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Laisvės Alėja (Freedom Avenue)

Laisvės alėja (Freedom Avenue)

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Interviu su R.Viedrynaiiu. yd ligonin

Jewish Hospital

Rimantas Viedrynaitis: “I was born in Kaunas, the Jewish Hospital.

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World Lithuanian Games

When I was sixteen, it was the first time, when I brought my photo camera to the Oakwoord Park, Darius and Girėnas Sports Centre, the Hall and the Stadium.

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1985 Laisves aleja 03


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A Monument "We Died for the Motherland"

Stasys: "Since I lived up the hill in the city, in Vaižgantas street, I used to go past the cemetery to work.

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3. Paminklo vaizdas is priekio

1972, Romas Kalanta

(Saulius Eduardas Pauliukonis, actor of Šiauliai Drama Theatre, former actor of Kaunas Pantomime troupe, who worked in Kaunas Drama Theatre with director J.

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Ramybės park (Kaunas Old Cemetery)

Eugenija: "I lived nearby.

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Namai Laisves alejoje

A house in Laisvės Alėja

Alvydas Vaitkevičius: I am sending several photos by a famous photographer from the Soviet times, Stanislovas Lukošius which he gave me before he passed away.

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